Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: RickyRango on September 08, 2011, 08:59 pm

Title: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: RickyRango on September 08, 2011, 08:59 pm
I tried coke for the first time awhile back, and I fuckin loved it!  Really awesome stuff.

My question is how often can you do it without getting yourself hooked?  All I know is the bullshit they taught us in DARE (do it once and you're hooked for life and will die in a gutter). 
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: Sugarbowl on September 08, 2011, 10:01 pm
It's really completely different for every person man. It's not like there's a set number of times, like 8, that when you get to 9 you're officially hopelessly addicted. Do you have an addictive personality? Are you responsible in day to day life? Can you tell yourself 'no' when it comes to not only drugs, but any fun thing? These are all factors. Blow is one of those things that gets out of hand quick, unless you can keep yourself in check then don't make it available to yourself.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on September 08, 2011, 10:14 pm
From just reading your post RickyRango, I'd say about a month.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: Sugarbowl on September 09, 2011, 01:01 am
Haha. Honestly RickyRango your post makes you sound like a clueless 16 year old. Seriously? Dare?
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: Calistoner on September 09, 2011, 01:24 am
Haha. Honestly RickyRango your post makes you sound like a clueless 16 year old. Seriously? Dare?

please if you have nothing to contribute to the forums or this thread just dont open your mouth.

im tired of new people joining the forums and talking shit, it happens too often and no one ever says anything about it. and when they do they usually just end up feeding the troll. can we please have some kind of respect here for others?

anyway ricky rango,

there was a chart online about the dangers of drugs, i forget where i saw it, but i think coke is up there on the danger scale.

but you know, anything in moderation is "ok" for you. but yeah i agree with nomad. once a month if you REALLY liked it.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: sabialabia on September 09, 2011, 07:03 am
From just reading your post RickyRango, I'd say about a month.

i lul'd
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: johnwholesome on September 09, 2011, 07:50 am
It's a real bitch tbh, and a mean one too, because it creeps up on you without you noticing it. Dangerous combo if a drug with great addiction potential goes hand in hand with massive notions of grandeur, which is what it does. It switches of exactly those parts in your brain that should scream STOP! haha...

Fun aside though, keep it social. As long as it serves you to enhance social situations rather than becoming the reason for social interaction you should be fine. In clearprint, if you go to the party and someone whips out an 8ball and y'all tell each other a whole lot of coke babble you are fine. If you start noticing that your only motivation to go to the party is because there might be stuff floating around it has already begun and you need to step back. But that's just my thing. Maybe you are one of those "impervious" people that can do it a weeks long and then just stop without looking back.

Just be careful and have a healthy respect for the way it works. Be aware at all times that the very effect of it is to make you ignore risks and to feel invincible.

Just think of it this way, if you keep telling yourself that you dun have a problem with long as there is enough available...............................then shit is about to hit the fan....
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: thisworld on September 09, 2011, 09:58 am
There's some good advice in this thread, but i think some of it might be a little to cavalier..

I have a rather addictive personality and just like you, i LOVE it!  I have since adopted my good friends rule and follow it religiously.  in fact, i like it so much that i'm sure i'd slip down the slippery slope to being a coke head with a quickness if i didn't follow the rule.

The rule is as follows:  I am allowed to 'do' coke once every 6 months.

By 'doing coke' i mean i can purchase it (usually no more than an 8-ball) and consume it(no time limit, but within reason; maybe over the weekend, maybe all in one night).

This does not however mean i HAVE to do it every 6 months, only that i have the option again after that period.  It works about perfectly, because by the time 6 months is up i'm not craving it anymore. And for me sometimes it takes that long.

For instance, right now it's been almost 3 months since i've indulged and i still think about it at least once a week. I am probably on the worse end of the spectrum as far as addictive personality and such goes, but i wanted to throw this out there in case you have as many troubles as i do with addiction.

Best of luck!

One more piece of advice would be not to indulge if you have excess money, because pretty quick you'll spend all of it without realizing.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on September 09, 2011, 01:43 pm
I tried coke for the first time awhile back, and I fuckin loved it!  Really awesome stuff.

My question is how often can you do it without getting yourself hooked?  All I know is the bullshit they taught us in DARE (do it once and you're hooked for life and will die in a gutter).

Hummm. "How often can I do it without getting hooked" is a bad course of reasoning as it presupposes that you want to do it as much as possible without the consequences. Doesn't work like that man. Just don't seek it out all the time. I mean, sure, have fun, enjoy the substance, but don't let it take hold of your mind. I do a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't (from chocolate to morphine, hehe), but I keep it safe and real. Totally agree with Sugarbowl - everyone has his or her own threshold for addiction. Be safe.

Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: RickyRango on September 10, 2011, 12:44 am
Thanks guys.  I'll keep your advice to heart.  8)
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: RickyRango on September 12, 2011, 12:38 am
Haha. Honestly RickyRango your post makes you sound like a clueless 16 year old. Seriously? Dare?

Yeah man, well that's just like your opinion man.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: E=daveCĀ² on September 12, 2011, 08:24 am
I don't think there's any way to "safely" do cocaine. If you have an underlying heart condition or circulatory problem you could drop dead from a few lines. Definitely don't smoke or inject it because it's far more addictive and dangerous those routes.

Be careful and space out your uses like said earlier. Before you think you have a problem you already do.
Title: Re: How to safely do cocaine?
Post by: Sugarbowl on September 16, 2011, 07:03 pm
Yeah man, well that's just like your opinion man.

HA! Excellent Lebowski quote usage. Consider yourself redeemed.